Letters to the Editor – Oct. 25, 2017

Thank you Waffle House for supporting DHS basketball

Truly, any night at Waffle House is a good night, but Oct. 10 was a celebration of team spirit for the Darlington High Basketball Team. Mr. Jim Manship, manager of our local Waffle House, graciously hosted a benefit for our team and donated 40 percent of all meal purchases for the benefit of the team. The parking lot began to fill early on and each diner was welcomed with gracious hospitality and a cheerful “Good Morning”, and as Kerry Tharp confirmed, “It’s always ‘Good morning’ at the Waffle House!” Although diners were arriving and being served “en masse”, the wait staff and “chefs” were choreographed perfectly and provided the best of service and delicious meals to each dining patron. There was a wonderful atmosphere of support and friendship, almost like a family reunion, with some of us not having seen each other in far too long. Thank you, Mr. Manship, and thank you to all who attended in support of the team.

A special thank you is expressed to the dear young lady, who approached us and asked if she could pay for our dinner, since we reminded her of her parents. We were overwhelmed with her sweet generosity and most certain paid it forward.
Again, thank each of you for being a part of this wonderful gathering in support of our team.

Suzq Bridgers


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