Letters to the Editor – May 13, 2015

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Special Recognition of Medford Nursing Home

I’m writing this letter as a witness to acts of kindness I felt I needed to share.

For the past several months, I have been visiting Medford Nursing Home to spend time with a friend. He had a stroke some three years ago, and a short time later he had to have his left leg amputated. He spends most of his time in bed. He requires a lot of care. I visit him two, sometimes three days a week. I park in a clean parking lot. I walk past beautiful trees and flowers. I walk into one of the cleanest buildings you will find anywhere. Floors are polished, and wall appears spotless.

Many residents are sitting in wheelchairs and many of them speak to me as I walk near them. I’ve come to know quite a few of the residents, and have greatly enjoyed hearing about their lives and families. Many are in their eighties and nineties. All of them need special care. Their care is my main reason for writing.

In my visits, I have been a witness to such caring acts of kindness that go beyond requirements and ordinary duties that I feel blessed, rewarded, and so very welcome by staff and residents. The CNA’s who do much of the actual hands-on care have a special place in my heart. They work so very hard, and they have to be dedicated to perform their duties in such a caring way. The LPN’s, the RN’s, the Supervisors, the Administrators, and all others who are a part of Medford are doing their part to make life better.

Winfred Flowers
Darlington, S.C.

Message to Adults

In times like these with so much violence going on in our country, we need to be reminded that we were once children, and we looked up to adults to model our behavior. Who can children look up to now?

• You were once a child, surviving the eight stages of life.

• Children are initiating all the negative behaviors of the adults.

• Guns and drugs are promoted by adults.

• More money is being spent for incarceration than education.

• Children are products of the world’s offerings.

• High unemployment produces high crime rates.

• There is still a need for manual training.

• An attractive environment improves the quality of life for children and adults.

• Children should be treated as children!

The time is now to let your voice be heard, look out for my children! Because they are all my children.

Wilhelminia P. Johnson
Darlington County Council Member; Executive Director of Darlington County Cultural Realism, Inc.
Darlington, S.C.

Author: Jana Pye

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