Letters to the Editor – March 23, 2016

Share Darlington with a future teacher

I’m writing to request a favor from your readers. In a college course I’m taking to become a teacher, my professor has assigned a project to learn about a town in the U.S. She’s requiring that we do this without the use of technology; rather, she wants us to learn from the lived experiences of the people who know the town.

I chose Darlington, South Carolina because it looks so beautiful in the pictures! I am always looking for new sites to tour, and I am hoping to hear what it is like in Darlington.

I’d love to learn about Darlington, and the characteristics of the town. What are the primary jobs in Darlington? What is education like? How does the school system flow, for instance, how many teachers are in the building and how many students are in an average class? Are there any particular foods that community members enjoy eating? What are the recipes to those foods? What do you do for recreation around the area? What are the religions that are practiced in this community? Has your town grown in population in recent years? What businesses are available in Darlington? What are the average temperatures in the summer and during the winter? Feel free to share real and valuable experiences from your time in Darlington.

I am hoping to hear from many of you via a letter in the mail! Getting mail is so exciting, and I am looking forward to receiving letters from the members of the special place of Darlington, South Carolina.

Most sincerely,
Alli Songstad
c/o Bethany Lutheran College
700 Luther Drive
Mankato, MN 56001


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