Letters to the Editor – February 18, 2015
Darlington Falcon Golf Tournament seeks sponsors
Over the past four years, the Darlington Falcon Golf Tournament has received wonderful participation from our local community partners. These funds raised have been designated to support student athletic programs. On behalf of Darlington High School, thank you for your support and the difference you have made in the lives of our students.
As you consider your charitable priorities for 2015, please include this year’s tournament in your plans. The event will be held March 13th, 2015, at the Darlington Country Club, with a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be catered by the Club and served at 12:00 p.m.
We are seeking donations and hole sponsorships to help us with our golf tournament. Each hole sponsor is $100 a hole. This will give you great publicity, for a great cause. We hope that your business/organization can make a contribution to help our athletic programs to grow and become more successful. In addition, we are collecting services and goods to be used as prizes for the raffle that will be held at the conclusion of the tournament.
We would greatly appreciate any contribution that your business can make to help our tournament be successful. Your contributions will be noted, advertised, and announced during the tournament.
Your donations or checks can be sent to the following address:
Payable to: Darlington High School Athletics
Attn: Phil Jones
525 Spring Street Ext.
Darlington, SC 29532
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Stanley Goodwin, Head Golf Coach, or Phil Jones, Athletic Director, at 843-398-2791.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support of Darlington High School Athletics!
Phil Jones
Darlington High School
Athletic Department
Reader voice displeasure about South Carolina State University situation
It saddens me that in the 21st century a perfect storm of ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and obnoxious bullying is regrettably culminating in the eventual- though prayerfully and thankfully not inevitable – destruction of an institution that has served South Carolina exceptionally well, against otherwise insurmountable odds and formidable challenges and obstacles , some contrived, even connived, some self-inflicted and too many through just – plain – neglect!
South Carolina State University is on a precipice today that is tenuous at best. There is no apparent knight in shining armor galloping into the situation to rescue the garnet & blue adorned damsel in distress and save the day, nor a wand to be waved by the good witch of the….whatever… to deliver her from a certain death-laden grip of “good intentions” meant for resolving – but – rather ending up landing her in a deeper hole of s… doo doo, The South Carolina General Assembly’s posture to sledgehammer a remedy that requires, or would better be applied with, the artistry and exactness of a surgeon’s scalpel and an accompanying attitude of sensitivity and sensibility to good reason.
I attended SCSC from 1969 to 1972 and I treasure that opportunity immensely, while regretting that my un-studiousness kept me from completing the course. Even so, for every single underachiever like myself, there are thousands of otherwise who stuck the course out – and – with that sheepskin in hand, are making remarkable as well as immeasurable contributions to our American society today.
Not knowing what the future will hold for S.C. State, I can offer only what I do and know best to the dialogue. At the risk of broadcasting my naiveté’ in positing or even imagining that this contribution could be the “mystical” panacea that could lead toward a constructive remedy, God’s grace has interceded in billions of other circumstances in the past, rendering maybe eve n a “simpleton” entre unto the well of miracles. For it is His grace that abounds to no end. Amen!
Here goes:
SCSU ‘Appreciation Song’
words & music by BoBByAfrikusRoss
SC State, Thank You for –
For all things that you’ve shown us.
The things you’ve taught us!
SC State, thank you –
For mem’ries that never fade!
We owe this thanks to you!
And pledge that as time goes on
you’ll live on in (us) our hearts!
SC State, Thank You for –
For pro-ving that life’s rough roads
could be made smoo-ther!
SC State, thank you
For know-lege in-stilled, us by you,
we owe this gra-ti-tude!
The way to pros-per-i-ty
You do know
You do show!
SC State, Thank You –
In closing we say to you
you’ve served your pur-pose well!
SC State, thank you
In our hearts there’s a
special place for-e-ver!
And when all life’s vic’tries
we have won!
We’ll pay tri-bute to you!
When life’s vic’tries we have won!
We’ll pay tri-bute to you
Thank you.
aka Robert E. Ross
SCSU – 1969-1972
4-H 4Life