Historical quilt represents local mystery

Fundraising quilt donated to the Darlington County Historical Commission.	            Photo by Samantha Lyles

Fundraising quilt donated to the Darlington County Historical Commission. Photo by Samantha Lyles

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer, slyles@newsandpress.net

A quilt recently donated to the Darlington County Historical Commission has raised questions and inspired the curiosity of staffers. The quilt itself is lovely, with squares of bright red and faded green arranged in a geometric pattern, but this item – dating to perhaps 1920 or 1930 – features dozens of names embroidered onto the face.

Brian Gandy, director of the Historical Commission, says that most of the names are registered members of the Darlington Pentecostal Holiness Church, located on the corner of Broad and Milling Streets in Darlington.

“Several of them were very influential church members. One, Eliza Taylor, was the head of the missions program. One of the pastor’s wives (Pauline Leviner) is also listed, and that helped us establish the date when it was made,” says Gandy.

But the mystery of how the quilt was created, and for what specific purpose, remains unknown. Gandy says the current theory is that church members crafted the quilt as a fundraising project to support church activities, with each name representing a charitable donor or participant.

“We’ve heard two stories so far. One holds that each square names someone who donated money, so their names were put on the quilt and then it was raffled off, and the other story is that the names are the people that worked on the quilt,” Gandy says.

While the quilt’s design and structural stitching are uniform, the names reflect variances in handwriting, indicating that several different people worked on the signature embroidery. Most of the names are stitched in black thread, but two are in green and one is in blue.

“We also know that the fabric came from the Darlington Manufacturing cotton mill. We know the fabric was made and dyed in Darlington. They had an agreement worked out where the cotton mill provided them with fabric free of charge for the work they were doing in the community,” says Gandy.

Donor Annette Ward provided a few clues to get the investigation started, and the Commission is seeking to learn more about this curious and beautiful item and the folks who contributed to its creation. Photos of anyone involved would be most welcome.

The list of names includes the following: Lila Mae Anderson, Mae Bailey, Elwood Bailey, AL Baldwin, RL Blackman, Mrs. JE Bouknight, Janie Lee Bouknight, Marvin Bradshaw, Mrs. Brigman, Sara Brigman, Rebecca Byazzel, Wallace Chandler, Minerva Chandler, Maud Cleary, Thelma Cowick, Mary Dixon, Roland Dixon, Ruby Evans, Mrs. MA Frye, George Gainey, Ada Hepburn, Gordon Hopkins, AM Hopkins, Ila Hutchinson, George Hutchinson, Gladys Hutchinson, Alien James, Bertie Bell Johnson, Iva Johnson, Louise Jones, Rudell Kinsey, Pearl Kinsey, James Lambert, Harry Lambert, Pauline Leviner, Ray Lowe, Nannie Lowe, Ehrline McElveen, Mary Melton, Maggie Parnell, Elizabeth Parnell, Margaret Parnell, BE Parnell, Louise Player, Ada Poston, Dennis Rus, Charlie Self, Elouise Self, Harry Shepard, Cornelia Small, Mrs. AR Small, Sadie Stokes, Ola Sumner, Eliza Taylor, Lula Taylor, Mrs. WW Taylor, Eldon Taylor, Cathern Taylor, WL Tedder, Ed Williamson, Mattie Yarboro, P.Y.P.S.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Historical Commission and ask for Brian Gandy at 843-398-4710.

Author: Jana Pye

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