Hartsville Red Foxes face off against Lake View Wild Gators

Hartsville’s receiver and Lake View’s defender both go up for a pass. (Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)

Hartsville’s receiver and Lake View’s defender both go up for a pass. (Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)

Hartsville receiver makes catch as he is guarded. (Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)
The Hartsville Red Foxes faced the Lake View Wild Gators in 7-on-7 action played in Dillon on Tuesday, July 13, in one of Dillon High School’s 3 practice fields to gear up for the upcoming football season. As many as 12 area teams including Dillon, Chesterfield, East Clarendon, Lake City, Hartsville, Lake View, and others participate in this action during July on Tuesday and Thursday.