Hartsville Police Department hires DUI Officer

The Hartsville Police Department has hired Justin Reichard as its grant funded, DUI Officer, to continue the department’s efforts with impaired driving countermeasures.

In the fall of 2017, the department was awarded a 2018 Highway Safety grant from the S.C. Department of Public Safety for efforts to decrease impaired driving within Hartsville’s jurisdiction. The grant program allows for one year of funding for the officer as well as police vehicle equipment.

“Accepting this position allows me to focus on one of the most dangerous crimes committed on our roadways,” says DUI Officer, Justin Reichard, “Through these efforts, every drunk driver I stop is stopped from harming themselves, a child, a family member, a friend, a classmate, or co-worker.”

As a part of his position duties for grant requirements, Officer Reichard will patrol within the city’s jurisdiction during high times of impaired driving as well as conducting community presentations to youth about the dangers of drunk driving and to leaders about the department’s progress.

For more information about the Hartsville Police Department’s impaired driving countermeasures, follow the department on Facebook at Hartsville Police Department, SC.


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