Hartsville gets huge grant

Hartsville City Manager Daniel Moore. FILE PHOTO

Hartsville has exciting news!  The City of Hartsville is thrilled to announce that they are the recipient of the largest grant in the history of that city.  They have been awarded $8.5 million plus an additional $500,000 from their application to the state-funded South Carolina Infrastructure Improvement Plan and Rural Infrastructure Authority, respectively.  This was a highly competitive process, with months of work from City staff and their partners at the Pee Dee Council of Government.  Several critical infrastructure needs have been identified and targeted for improvements and/or replacement, including their Wastewater Treatment Plant, Wastewater Lift Stations, Water Pump Rooms, and even the iconic downtown City of Hartsville Water Tank.  Combined with an obligation of $1 million from their stimulus American Rescue Plan Act funds, they have a combined $10 million worth of improvements coming to our city.  

What does this mean?  With the receipt of this grant, the City will ensure the community’s continued success and economic growth for decades through the guarantee of capacity at their wastewater treatment plant and the continued availability of fresh, clean drinking water for Hartsville residents and businesses.  All of this is possible with zero impact on their debt and without raising a single dollar in taxes.

Hartsville City Manager Daniel Moore thanked the city staff for their dedication and hard work in navigating this process, the Pee Dee Council of Government, and Hanna Engineering for their assistance.  He also recognized State and Local representatives, particularly Senator Gerald Malloy and Representatives Robert Williams and Cody Mitchell, for their assistance with this and many other projects.  Moore especially thanked Mayor Casey Hancock and the City Council, who recognized the significance of this project and what it would mean for the community, allowing them to devote the resources necessary to see this project through.

Moore said the next few months will be a flurry of activity once the funds have been delivered.

Author: Stephan Drew

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