Girl Scout Cookies!
Girl Scouts of Eastern SC Cookie Booth Sales have begun!
Girl Scouts are out and about at various locations selling your favorite cookies! Cookie hunters can download the app COOKIE LOCATOR in their app store and/or go to and type in their zip code and radius for a list of cookie booths nearby with times and locations.
When you buy cookies from a Girl Scout, you are investing in so much more than a box of treats—you are investing in a girl’s future, and the future leadership of our country. Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls learn five essential life skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. Two years ago, GSUSA launched Digital Cookie, which added a digital layer to the Girl Scout Cookie Program by providing girls the opportunity to develop twenty-first-century skills. 100% of the net proceeds from Girl Scout Cookie sales are reinvested back into the local councils for activities, and fund Girl Scouts’ take-action projects, which positively impact their communities. GSUSA does not profit from the proceeds of the cookie sale.