Florence-Darlington Technical College returns to normal operations for Summer 2021

Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC) will offer more face-to-face classes and on-campus events beginning with the Summer 2021 semester. When the Summer semester begins May 24 at FDTC, 67 percent of the offered courses will be face-to-face. Classes that are face-to-face will be filled to capacity; however, face coverings will still be required. “The COVID-19 pandemic has presented some enormous challenges over the past year, but the lessons learned have enabled us to deliver classes more efficiently and effectively,” said Vice President of Academic Affairs Marc David. “We look forward to a fresh start this summer and encourage students who have been away to reacquaint themselves with FDTC.” All faculty and staff, including Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid and other departments will operate during normal business hours five days a week. Online classes are not new to FDTC, but when the COVID-19 pandemic affected its operation, more classes offered an online option. This summer, online classes will still be offered, but the majority will be face-to-face. All departments at FDTC will continue to offer hybrid classes, which is a combination of online and face-to-face. There will be no change to FDTC’s distance learning classes during the Summer 2021 semester. For more information on Florence-Darlington Technical College, visit www.fdtc.edu or call 843-661-8324.

Author: Stephan Drew

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