Educators meet new superintendent candidate

About 50 local educators met with Kathy Maness (above), a candidate for South Carolina superintendent of education, on March 3 at Sam Kendall’s in Hartsville. Maness is executive director of the Palmetto State Teachers Association and serves on Lexington Town Council. Jeffery Tadlock, a teacher in the Pee Dee, helped host the event. Maness told the group, “I will have an open-door policy. I want teachers, students and parents to come and talk to me. Tell me what we can do to make education better.” Maness said it was time to cut the red tape and let teachers teach. Shown in group photo, (below) left to right: Jeffery Tadlock, Teri Griggs, Kathy Maness, Raegan DeBruhl, Heather Steen. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS

Author: Stephan Drew

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