DHS students and local businesses feed the needy

On Saturday, students from Darlington High School met in the gym to sort and box groceries collected by students, businesses and the boys and girls basketball teams for elderly and disabled residents of Washington Street Apartments. Approximately 40 residents were furnished with food and household items such as paper towels, toilet paper, rice, grits, cereal, canned goods, soups, boxed pasta, spaghetti sauce and other nutritional foodstuffs. This is a schoolwide event now in its 42nd year. Cortney Gherke, DHS principal and coordinator of the event, said they received over $7,000 in donations this year. The containers of food were delivered by volunteers on Saturday afternoon and any remaining items were donated to The Lord Cares Ministry. TOP LEFT: Cortney Gherke (center rear) and the student volunteers who helped sort and package the items. TOP RIGHT: One complete package of items displayed. PHOTOS BY STEPHAN DREW

Cortney Gherke (center rear) and the student volunteers who helped sort and package the items. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

One complete package of items displayed. PHOTOS BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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