DHS Lady Falcons Tennis Team 2015

Lady Falcons Tennis Team: (back row, left to right) Ryanne Weatherford, Isabella Haynes, Christina Wenteler, Elizabeth Lawson, Christina Epps, Laurel Dennis, Kinsley Chestnut, Lauren McLennan, Ericka Smith; (front row, left to right) Margaret Godbold, Ella Watford, Madison Suggs, Claire McLennan, Gracelyn Nichols, Coach Cameron Bridgeman Photo by Samantha Lyles

Lady Falcons Tennis Team:
(back row, left to right) Ryanne Weatherford, Isabella Haynes, Christina Wenteler, Elizabeth Lawson, Christina Epps, Laurel Dennis, Kinsley Chestnut, Lauren McLennan, Ericka Smith; (front row, left to right) Margaret Godbold, Ella Watford, Madison Suggs, Claire McLennan, Gracelyn Nichols, Coach Cameron Bridgeman
Photo by Samantha Lyles

Lady Falcons Tennis Senior Elizabeth Lawson Photo by Samantha Lyles

Lady Falcons Tennis Senior Elizabeth Lawson
Photo by Samantha Lyles

Lady Falcons Tennis Senior Elizabeth Lawson with parents Marvin and Bridget Lawson. She attends Mayo High School for Math, Science and Technology. Photo by Samantha Lyles

Lady Falcons Tennis Senior Elizabeth Lawson with parents Marvin and Bridget Lawson. She attends Mayo High School for Math, Science and Technology.
Photo by Samantha Lyles

Author: Jana Pye

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