DHS Falcons jump-start their college education

Honors College students at Darlington High School, an Early College High School, soared to extraordinary heights during 2014-2015 by earning 992 transferrable college credits.

Taking advantage of the numerous college courses offered on the DHS campus, sophomores, juniors, and seniors were enrolled in college courses such as college algebra, freshman composition, literature, music appreciation, philosophy, psychology, sociology, Spanish, Teacher Cadet, US history, and world history.

Students graduating in the class of 2015 with college credit include:

Mark Barber
Simone Barr
Lucas Bonnoitt
Krystal Brown
Blaine Eads
Jonathan Free
Anna Godbold
Heather Godbold
Kiana Hall
Larry Jefferson
Erin Kelley
Danielle Kriss
Murphy Lee
Ethan McDonald
Mycala Montrose
Taylor Poston
Micheal Robinson
John Salmon
Jeremy Standish
Cradeja Walker
Kristen Warr
Adrianna Weatherford
Austin White

These gains are certainly something to be proud of, but the DHS Falcons are not settling. Last year, DHS unveiled its plans to provide students the opportunity to earn a two-year Associate of Arts degree while still in high school by strengthening its partnership with Florence Darlington Technical College.

Author: Jana Pye

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