DCSD offers Expanded School Choice
In an effort to give parents more flexibility and control in the educational process for their children, Darlington County School District is again offering districtwide Expanded School Choice requests. The online application period for the 2025-26 school year will be Feb. 3 through March 7.
Under the Expanded School Choice program, students who reside in Darlington County may request to attend any school in the county except for Mayo High School for Math, Science, and Technology. Mayo High School already offers choice as part of its magnet program and is, therefore, not included in the Expanded School Choice program. At Bay Road Elementary School, only grades 1-5 are eligible for Expanded Choice.
Any student in Darlington County may apply for the Expanded School Choice program, regardless of whether that student is currently enrolled in a public school, a private school, or a home school. Beginning Feb. 3 and running through March 7, parents can submit Expanded School Choice applications through the district’s website. Families can access the application at the following link:
Under the Expanded Choice program:
Choice selections will be based on space availability at the selected school.
Student athletic eligibility remains under S.C. High School League rules.
Transportation will not be provided for Expanded School Choice. Parents and guardians are responsible for providing transportation.
If a child moves into the county after the request period ends, the child must attend the school to which they are zoned. A parent can apply during the next choice cycle.
It is not necessary for parents to complete an application for their child to attend the school for which they are already zoned and attending.
The online application for the Expanded School Choice Program will be available on the district’s website through the deadline of March 7.
Parents will be notified of their child’s lottery number by email on March 26 after a random selection lottery drawing. Notification emails of the students selected for the available slots will be sent on June 12, giving the selected students the opportunity to transfer to their choice school. The deadline for parents to request the change and confirm the transfer will be July 1. After the deadline passes, any available slots will be filled by the next available lottery number. Please note, the “Stay Put” deadline for Expanded School Choice is July 17. After this date, the student will remain at the school chosen through the end of the semester.
Please be aware that normal school registration will be held before the Expanded Choice notification date of June 12. Parents should go ahead register their child for their zoned school during normal registration. If the student is accepted into Expanded Choice, the registration will be transferred to the new school automatically.
For complete guidelines, an application, or more information, please contact Darlington County School District’s Office of Administration and Operations at 843-398-2269.