DCIT Health Science students win honors at HOSA State Conference

DCIT Health Science students attend the South Carolina Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Conference held March 16-18.
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Students in the Health Science Technology classes at the Darlington County Institute of Technology (DCIT) have been hard at work throughout this year in preparation for the South Carolina Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Conference that was held March 16-18, 2016.
Instructors for these courses are Mrs. Connie Altman, Mrs. Kellie Flowers, and Mrs. Nancy Huntley. Preparation for the state conference involves dedication during and after school. Students attend after school practice sessions, read additional textbooks, form study groups, and receive guidance from various other professional community resources.
Though many students join HOSA to compete, HOSA gives students an opportunity to network with other students who are interested in health care as a career, attend workshops regarding health care professions, travel to conferences in a variety of locations, set goals and timelines for reaching them, sharpen leadership skills, and focus on specific areas of health that may not be covered in class.
Career interests among the health science students at DCIT are diverse. Careers in which students have expressed an interest in pursuing include becoming dentists, emergency medicine technicians, gynecologists, licensed practical nurses, pediatricians, physical therapists, pharmacists, registered nurses, and veterinarians. This diversity of interests makes participation in HOSA extremely beneficial to students. Courses provide exposure to a wide range of topics while the HOSA experience allows students to focus on a particular area of interest. Areas of competition at the HOSA conference included Forensic Medicine, Veterinary Assisting, Home Health Aide, Medical Photography, Dental Assisting, Clinical Nursing, CPR/First Aid, Sports Medicine, Public Service Announcement, Physical Therapy, Pharmacology, and Emergency Medicine. Students who placed at the state HOSA conference were:

Logan Lehr and Terah Lane, students of DCIT, placed at the South Carolina Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Conference March 16-18.
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Logan Lehr (HHS) – 3rd place – Extemporaneous Poster
Terah Lane (DHS) – 4th place – Medical Spelling; Outstanding HOSA Member
In addition to the state conference, HOSA members have also attended a leadership conference at Newberry College and participated in numerous community service projects including several blood drives, a food drive, and special needs Christmas parties.
Currently, Health Science Clinical Studies students are completing several weeks of clinical rotations at various medical facilities to help them better determine their area of interest. These students will take the Certified Nursing Assistant exam in May.