Darlington ICE wins USSSA Bownet Championship

DARLINGTON ICE WINS USSSA BOWNET CHAMPIONSHIP — Darlington ICE (12 & under) show off their rings after winning the USSSA Bownet Southeast Sports Championship this past Saturday in Walterboro, SC.
Pictured are: (Bottom row, left to right): Ansley Fishel, Chamille Willis. (Middle row, left to right): Summer Anderson, Jaylee Carter, Jeszariah McCall-Baynes, Dy’Nasia Bacote, Ja’Miesauna Montgovery, Zaria Mack, Jessalyn Edens, Isabella Hayes. Coaches (back row, left to right) are: Shug Brantley, J.R. Edens, and Cody Fishel. Coach Chris Anderson was not available for the photo. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO