Darlington County Humane Society- Rescue receives grant as part of ASPCA & Subaru “Share the Love” Event Rescue Ride Program


Dogs and cats to get a new “leash” on life through animal transport program
Darlington County Humane Society in Darlington, SC today announced that they are
one of 49 animal welfare organizations receiving grant funding to participate in the
ASPCA & Subaru “Share the Love” Event Rescue Ride.

For the third year, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is granting a total of $189,000 to animal welfare organizations across the country as part of the Subaru “Share the Love” event to fund the safe transport of sheltered dogs from localities where
supply exceeds demand to areas where demand matches the supply of adoptable dogs.
“The ASPCA & Subaru ‘Share the Love’ event Rescue Ride grant program allows us to
give cats and dogs in our community the best possible chance of finding a new home in
2016” said Susan Blakeney, DCHS Rescue Volunteer of the Darlington County Humane
Society. “Working together with pre-approved rescue partners, we can save many
animals and enrich the lives of new adopting families.”
Transport vans will be loading up bright and early at the shelter on January 2 with an
anticipated departure of 8 a.m. We have confirmed 20 cats/kittens and 63 dogs/puppies
on this life saving transport.
For more information about DCHS Rescue, please visit www.helpdarlingtonpets.com

Author: Jana Pye

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