Darlington Clerk of Court changes parties; Angie Suggs sworn in as Auditor
GOP Gov. Henry McMaster came to Darlington last week to welcome Darlington County Clerk of Court Scott Suggs into the Republican Party. After decades as a Democrat, Suggs announced June 30 he was switching to the GOP – the same party to which his wife Angie Suggs, the new Darlington County auditor, belongs. He cited the “outrageous” policies of the national Democratic Party. State GOP chairman Drew McKissick also attended the event. “This is important; this is important for Darlington County,” said S.C. House Speaker Jay Lucas, R-Hartsville. He said the party switch also resolves the problem of clashing political parties in the Suggs household. After celebrating Suggs’ party switch with a crowd outside the Courthouse, McMaster went inside the building to swear Angie Suggs into office. PHOTOS BY BOBBY BRYANT