CPRMC holds Stroke “Lunch & Learn”

Dr. Brian Sponseller, Chief Medical Officer for Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, explains the symptoms and risk factors of stroke. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW
By Stephan Drew, Editor
On Thursday, May 11, 2023, Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center (CPRMC) hosted a Lunch & Learn to educate the public on the contributing factors of a stroke, healthy measures anyone may take to prevent a stroke and medical procedures used to treat one. A detailed presentation was made by Dr. Brian Sponseller, Chief Medical Officer of CPRMC and Ashley Johnson, BSN, RN, Stroke and Chest Pain Coordinator for CPRMC.
A Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) or “stroke” is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the U.S. and the No. 6 cause of death in South Carolina. It can happen to anyone of any age, at any time. Approximately 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year (one stroke occurring every 40 seconds). It is estimated that 2 million brain cells die every minute that a stroke goes untreated. In 2020, nearly 3,000 South Carolinians died from stroke and 16,000 were hospitalized. Forty-one percent of those admitted to hospitals were less than 65 years old.
A stroke occurs when obstruction or damage to the arteries in the brain prevent it from getting the necessary blood supply. Depending on which part of the brain is damaged, an individual’s ability to speak, see, and move may become impaired or diminish completely.
Dr. Sponseller stressed that early treatment leads to higher survival rates and lower future disability rates. “If we get to you quickly after a stroke,” he said, “there’s a lot we can do.” He went on to describe the time variable involved. “There’s a 3 ½ hour window to begin treatment,” Sponseller stated, “in order to diminish the effects of the stroke.” He emphasized that, if you feel the signs of a stroke coming on, do not hesitate. Call 911 immediately. EMS is constantly coordinating with the hospital so there is no delay in treatment.
The ambulance can immediately consult a Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) neurologist who will begin working with them even before you reach the medical facility. The hospital will make everything ready for your arrival, clearing the Computerized Tomography (CT) scan machines so that there is no wait whatsoever. Remember, you’re losing 2 million brain cells per minute the longer you delay.
Risk factors for stroke include: Age (chance of stroke increases as you get older), Race (African Americans, Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders have a higher risk), Gender (more women have strokes than men and more women die from stroke than from breast cancer), and Family History (greater risk if family member has had a stroke). Manageable risk factors include: High Blood Pressure, Atrial Fibrillation, High Cholesterol, Smoking, Diabetes, Poor Circulation, Lack of Physical Activity and Obesity.
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is one of 31 Primary Stroke Centers in South Carolina and they have extremely advanced medical techniques to combat the effects of stroke. Ashley Johnson described the medical procedures and some of the medications used in conjuction with stroke treatment. “Tenecteplase unclots everything in your body,” Johnson said. She also described BEFAST, a successful way to check for stroke symptoms. B is for Balance (sudden loss of balance), E is for Eyes (sudden loss of vision), F is for Face (uneven smile), A is for Arm (arm weakness), S is for Speech (possibly slurred), and T is for Time (Call 911 now!).
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is committed to educating the public regarding not only stroke but many other medical conditions. They are also holding a FREE Community Stroke Awareness Fair on Saturday, May 20, 2023, from 9am to 12pm on the Front Lawn of the hospital, located at 1304 W. Bobo Newsom Hwy., in Hartsville. There will be free blood pressure checks, lipid panels, glucose tests, stroke risk assessments, educational materials, healthy eating information, hands-only CPR, interactive kids’ corner, free Frostbites shaved ices, a live broadcast from Glory 98.5 and door prizes valued over $400. This event is free to the public and all ages are welcome. For more information, please visit cprmc.com/strokefair.