County and CTC make progress on Commanchee Street paving

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer,

At their August 13 regular meeting, Darlington County Council agreed to accept additional road right-of-way property, which will allow the County Transportation Committee (CTC) to pave a troublesome county road.

By approving Resolution No. 692, Council agreed to accept custody and responsibility for an additional 66 feet of road right-of-way along a 2,900 linear foot portion of Commanchee Street beginning at the Centerville Road intersection and stretching northward for about 3,200 feet.

For the past few years, residents of Commanchee Street have spoken at Council and CTC meetings and asked for help with their road, which floods and becomes very muddy and nearly impassable during heavy rains. Council members voted unanimously to accept the right-of way properties, and some voiced their relief and pleasure that progress on this paving project is finally happening.

“This has been a long, hard battle. We’re not there quite yet, but the final step has been made on the county’s part to get all of these right-of-ways secured,” said Council member Bobby Kilgo, offering thanks to the citizens who helped secure all of the necessary permissions. “I look forward to a resolution from CTC that they will live up to their original agreement of paving this area so that these people will then have a paved road.”

Also on the agenda, Council passed third and final reading of Ordinance 18-08, codifying restrictions and standards for digital and electronic billboards and changing message signs. Though some, like citizen Francis Parnell, expressed worry that the lighted signs will emit excessive amounts of light pollution, county administrator Charles Stewart read passages from the ordinance that indicated the signs will not be permitted to throw off more that 3/10 of a foot-candle above ambient light at any time of day.

Council also approved a resolution naming the Lydia ball field in honor of Luke Arthur, who has managed the Lydia Red Sox for 56 years and served as a mentor and father figure to many young men. Over the course of his coaching career, Arthur has led the Red Sox to 18 championships in three different leagues, and has been a leader and role model in the Lydia community for generations. The field will now be known as The Luke Arthur Baseball Field.

Other items receiving approval included the following:

Approval to use $22,000 from the Treasurer’s decal fund to remodel the counter area in the Darlington County Treasurer’s Office

Acceptance of a $19,700 Solid Waste Management grant, a $16,450 Tire Recycling grant, and a $47,900 Used Oil Recycling grant from SC DHEC

Approval for the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office to purchase a 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD truck at a total cost of $33,446.

Author: Stephan Drew

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