Chamber plans for Annual Awards Banquet

The Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce presents their Annual Awards Banquet & Celebration at the Darlington Country Club on Thursday, February 4, 2016. The social will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. The awards ceremony begins at 7:30 p.m.

The Chamber is currently accepting nominations for the following awards:

• Life Time Achievement
• Citizen of the Year
• Community Pride
• Educator of the Year
• Future Business Leader
• Small Business (1-99 employees)

The deadline for nominations is January 8, 2016. Nominations can be mailed to:
Awards Committee, 38 Public Square Darlington, SC 29532 or faxed to: 843-393-8059.

If you have any questions, contact executive director Sabrina Derry at or call 843-393-2641.

Guideline for Awards

The Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for the following awards:

Life Time Achievement

To nominate someone for the “Lifetime Achievement” Award, the person’s name and a one-page essay outlining their accomplishments should be submitted to the Awards Committee.
1. Recipient must have performed a recognizable service or contribution to the community, which is above and beyond the call of duty. (This service should not be done solely as part of one’s job responsibilities, but should easily stand out as “above and beyond.”)
2. The recipient’s accomplishments should contribute to the well-being of the community and enhance the quality of life for all citizens.
3. Recipient must have been involved in community activities for a minimum of ten years.

Citizen of the Year
To nominate someone for the “Citizen of the Year” Award, the person’s name and a one page essay outlining their accomplishments should be submitted to the Awards Committee.
1. Personify the Chamber’s motto “Commitment to Community.”
2. Must have been active in community affairs for a minimum of five years.
3. Must have performed an outstanding service to the community during designated year.

Community Pride
To nominate someone for the “Community Pride” Award, submit the name and a brief essay (no more than one page) of their accomplishments to the Awards Committee.
1. Given to the business or industry that typifies the idea of “Pride in the Community.”
2. The idea of “Pride in the Community” as reflected in the appearance of the business or industry.
3. The business or industry that has made a recognizable contribution to the well being of the community.

Educator of the Year:
To nominate someone for the “Educator of the Year” Award, submit name and a
brief essay (no more than one page) of their accomplishments to the Awards Committee.
1. Individuals who serve in the Darlington County School district.
2. Educators who have 3 or more years of experience.
3. Must demonstrate exceptional or innovative capabilities in their respective education fields.

Future Business Leader:
To nominate someone for the “Future Business Leader” Award, submit name and a brief essay (no more than one page) of their accomplishments to the Awards Committee.)
1. Recipient must have demonstrated strong business skills.
2. Must be involved in the local community.
3. Must have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills.

Small Business (1-99 employees)
1. Member of the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce.
2. For profit business.
3. Fewer than 99 employees.
4. In business for at least five years with demonstrated growth.
5. Demonstrated ability to withstand the cyclical nature of business, overcome adversity and seize opportunities to succeed.

Guidelines for Awards
A. Only Chamber Members (in good standing) may nominate candidates for these awards.
B. Nominees may come from any area of the county served by the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce. *Darlington *Lamar *Society Hill (Nominees can be either members or non-members)
C. The Chamber Board will vote on recipients.
D. Nominations without essays, essays not meeting criteria, unsigned nominations or late nominations (after January 8th) will not be considered.

Author: Jana Pye

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