Beautification Board seeks nominations for Pride of Darlington Awards

The most recent Pride of Darlington award winner, the Dickersons on South Ervin Street

The most recent Pride of Darlington award winner, the Dickersons on South Ervin Street

The City of Darlington Beautification Board would like input from the community on who should receive the next residential Pride of Darlington Award.

The award is presented three times a year to an individual or family for their commitment to keeping their home beautiful to reflect the beauty of Darlington. Nominees should not have received the award in the past three years, and must be located within the city limits.

Please post your suggestions to the City of Darlington Facebook page, email, or call 843-398-4000 x 103. Leave the address of the property you wish to nominate and the home owner if known.

Nominees submitted so far are 605 Cashua Street, 205 Barfield Drive, and 501 E. Broad Street.

The Beautification Board will vote at its September 16th meeting for the award winner.

Author: Jana Pye

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