Urgent need for blood donors

The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood and platelet donors of all blood types to help address a winter blood donation shortage.

Severe winter weather has had a tremendous impact on blood donations already this year, with more than 150 blood drives forced to cancel causing over 5,500 blood and platelet donations to go uncollected. This is in addition to seasonal illnesses, such as the flu, and hectic holiday schedules collectively contributing to more than 28,000 fewer donations than what was needed in November and December.

In South Carolina, 21 blood drives were forced to cancel or close early due to last week’s winter storm, causing 625 donations to go uncollected.

How to help
Eligible donors can find a blood or platelet donation opportunity and schedule an appointment to donate by visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-733-2767.

Author: mrollins

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