The Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce will sponsor three students from the Darlington County Institute of Technology to attend the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce Business Week. The program will take place July 16-21, 2023, at the Darla Moore School of Business. Business Week will focus on teamwork and leadership skills, along with finance, ethics, and entrepreneurship. The students will interact with executives from companies like Michelin, Food Lion, and Colonial Life.
The students from DCIT were selected by their teachers for excelling in their current business classes at the school. The students are: Jared Seth Chandler, Justice Jackson, and Ja’Veon Allen. The students are rising juniors and seniors. PICTURED HERE (left to right): Stacie McKenzie (GDCC), DCIT student Ja’Veon Allen, DCIT student Justice Jackson, Sharman Poplava (GDCC), and GDCC Director Brook Sylvester. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW