Man facing drug charges

Adam Spencer Hendrix. PHOTO COURTESY OF DCDC

A search of a home on Ousleydale Road in Darlington County has resulted in multiple drug charges against a county resident, officials said.
Adam Spencer Hendrix was being held in the county jail after the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office went to his home with a search warrant. Deputies charged him with trafficking heroin, possession with intent to deliver meth, simple possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and first-degree burglary, according to reports.
Deputies found about 4.5 grams of a brown powder consistent with heroin; about 1 gram of what appeared to be marijuana; about 9.5 grams of a “crystal-looking substance” believed to be meth; and four pills that were later identified as buprenorphine, or suboxone, according to reports.

Author: Stephan Drew

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