Local student news for Feb. 7, 2018
Local cadets and students named to The Citadel’s fall 2017 Dean’s List
The following cadets and students were named to The Citadel’s Dean’s List for their academic achievements during the 2017 fall semester:
Robert Brown of Florence
William Brunson of Florence
Hunter Eason of Florence
Ryan Hance of Hartsville
William Martin of Florence
Nicholas Pappas of Darlington
Michael Rice of Darlington
The Dean’s List is a recognition given to cadets and students who are registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grade point average is 3.20 or higher, with no grade of I (Incomplete) and no grade below C for work in a semester.
Cadets and students awarded Gold Stars for fall 2017 academic achievements at The Citadel
The Citadel awarded Gold Stars to the following local cadets and students who achieved a 3.7 grade point average or higher during the 2017 fall semester. Cadets and students who achieve Gold Star recognition are also placed on The Citadel’s Dean’s List.
•Marshall Anderson of Hartsville
•Brice DuBose of Florence
•Etienne Fonteneau of Hartsville
•Aaron Newton of Florence
•Shykasheali Phillips of Hartsville
•Christopher Russell of Florence
•Harry Stone of Florence
Wofford students study abroad during Interim 2018
Wofford’s Interim is a time for exploration and experiential learning away from the rigors of traditional academic courses for students and faculty alike. Students may choose from a variety of on-campus courses, professional internships and research projects, study abroad opportunities or their own independent study project, approved and guided by a faculty adviser. More than 200 students chose to study abroad during Interim 2018.
Meghan Daniel is studying abroad in England as part of the Interim course: England: Living with History. This course will focus on the culture and history of the United Kingdom. Students will engage with British history through required readings, daily journal entries, and experiential, on-site visits to local historical sites, museums, gallery tours, and theater performances. Daniel is from Hartsville.
Price Rainwater is studying abroad in Costa Rica while participating in the Interim course: Exploring Costa Rica’s Rich Biodiversity. This course will focus on ecology and conservation biology in Costa Rica. Students will learn about responsible tourism, food sovereignty, and sustainability practices while participating in nature walks/forest hikes, field trips to agricultural projects and trail improvement work. As a final project, students will create a photo and essay book about biodiversity and conservation efforts in Costa Rica. Rainwater is from Florence.
Turner Rainwater is studying abroad in Costa Rica while participating in the Interim course: Exploring Costa Rica’s Rich Biodiversity. This course will focus on ecology and conservation biology in Costa Rica. Students will learn about responsible tourism, food sovereignty, and sustainability practices while participating in nature walks/forest hikes, field trips to agricultural projects and trail improvement work. As a final project, students will create a photo and essay book about biodiversity and conservation efforts in Costa Rica. Rainwater is from Florence.
Brittany Joyce is studying abroad in Tanzania while participating in the Interim course: Sustainability in Africa: Hike, Bike and Safari in the Shadows of Kilimanjaro. This course will focus on sustainability, ecotourism, and leadership. Students will read texts, discuss, and present on all of these topics, both on campus and while traveling. While in Tanzania, students will visit start-up organizations which have a focus on critical issues for community sustainability, maternal health, economic empowerment, K-12 education transformation, and tourism. Joyce is from Hartsville.
Michael Pavy is studying abroad in Tanzania while participating in the Interim course: Sustainability in Africa: Hike, Bike and Safari in the Shadows of Kilimanjaro. This course will focus on sustainability, ecotourism, and leadership. Students will read texts, discuss, and present on all of these topics, both on campus and while traveling. While in Tanzania, students will visit start-up organizations which have a focus on critical issues for community sustainability, maternal health, economic empowerment, K-12 education transformation, and tourism. Pavy is from Timmonsville.
Mark Butler is studying abroad in Santiago, Chile as part of the Interim course: Health Studies: Clinical Observation and the Cultural Aspects of Health Care in Chile. This course is ideal for students considering careers in health-related fields, offering an opportunity to learn about the health care policy and delivery systems in the context of Chile’s community-centered public and private health care system. Butler is from Florence.
Charles Payne is studying abroad in Santiago, Chile as part of the Interim course: Health Studies: Clinical Observation and the Cultural Aspects of Health Care in Chile. This course is ideal for students considering careers in health-related fields, offering an opportunity to learn about the health care policy and delivery systems in the context of Chile’s community-centered public and private health care system. Payne is from Florence.
Frances Lee is studying abroad in Paris, France, as part of the Interim course: Paris Collage: History, Culture, and Architecture. This course provides a multi-faceted approach to the city’s development and evolution, with emphasis on the impact of cultural, social, and political forces on Paris’ environment. Lee is from Florence.
Wofford College, established in 1854, is a four-year, residential liberal arts college located in Spartanburg, S.C. It offers 26 major fields of study to a student body of 1,690 undergraduates. Nationally known for the strength of its academic program, outstanding faculty, study abroad participation and successful graduates, Wofford is home to one of the nation’s 283 Phi Beta Kappa chapters. The college community enjoys Greek Life as well as 19 NCAA Division I athletics teams.
USC Aiken announces students named to Fall 2017 Dean’s List
The University of South Carolina Aiken congratulates those students who made the Dean’s List for Fall 2017.
To earn this distinction, students must be enrolled full-time and maintain a GPA of at least 3.5.
Students from the local area named on the USC Aiken Dean’s List for Fall 2017 include:
•Simone Barr, a native of Darlington who graduated from Darlington High School
•Kayla Benjamin, a native of Florence who graduated from Hartsville Senior High School
•Xavier Dixon, a native of Lamar who graduated from Mayo High School for Math and Science
•Yasmine Samuel, a native of Lamar who graduated from Lamar High School
USC Aiken, a comprehensive university in the University of South Carolina system, offers undergraduate and master’s degrees to more than 3,500 students in 50 programs of study. USC Aiken is ranked the #1 public regional college in the South by U.S. News & World Report’s guide “America’s Best Colleges.” The 2018 distinction marks USC Aiken’s 20th consecutive ranking among the top three in this category and the 13th time in first place.