Lights out: City of Darlington vs. County
By Jana E. Pye, Editor,
Three neighbors noticed many street lights out in Darlington, and as reported during the citizen’s comments portion of the January 6th City Council meeting, a drive through Darlington County found that the city had a disproportionate number out compared to the other municipalities.
John Wallace addressed council with the findings that he and his neighbors Robby Kilgo and William Jackson found.
“We made the trip around town over a three-night period,” said Wallace. “We spent a few hours each night looking at both Christmas lights, and streetlights. The first night we went around to each town to see how we stack up against them with our lights.”
According to reports by Wallace, Kilgo and Jackson, the score in streetlights was: Lamar: 0; Hartsville: a few on outer part of town; Society Hill: 0; and Darlington: 105+.
“We stopped counting at 105,” said Wallace.
“We found an abnormal amount of both Christmas decorations and street lamps not working. We started counting the number of lights out coming into the Square and could not believe how many we had come up with- over 50.”
The trio took down light pole numbers, and marked the location on Wallace’s GPS to produce the maps that were printed and given to council members, shown above.
“I know the ways to get a light reported and fixed,” said Wallace. “But it seems not many others do, or are not willing to help report them. Maybe with the help of the council a solution can be found for others both working for the City, and those just living here to step up and take pride in our City and help with this.”
Council members thanked Wallace for bringing it to their attention.
City manager Howard Garland was provided a list of the pole numbers from Wallace prior to the council meeting, which he forwarded to Mindy Taylor of Duke Energy.
Citizens may report streetlight outages in the following manner:
First, note the location of the pole; safety permitting, write down the number of the pole.
Darlington: The city website has a tab on their homepage:, or call: 843-398-4000
Hartsville: Visit the city’s website and click on the See Click Fix tab to report everything from missed trash pickups to stormwater clogs, graffiti, broken streetlights and signs, downed trees and unsafe buildings. This is also available on as a Smart Phone app. Or call: 843-383-3018.
Society Hill: Contact Town Hall at: 843-378-4681, 280 South Main Street.
Lamar: contact Town Hall at: 843-326-5551, 117 Main Street.
To contact Duke Energy directly:.
•Provide as much information as you can – including the location of the light and a description of the problem. The pole number would be helpful.
•If you’re able to, safely tie a ribbon or cloth around the light pole.
•Online – report an outage online form:
•Phone – Call 800-POWERON (800-769-3766).
•Fax – Fax your request to 800-329-4385.
•Email – Send a message to