Kiwanis Governor-Elect presides over installation of Darlington officers

Linwood Epps, treasurer; Bobby Kilgo, past president; Charles Bailey, pres. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

The Kiwanis year starts Oct. 1, so the new slate of officers for the Darlington Kiwanis Club was inducted during the Sept. 16 meeting. Carolinas District Governor-Elect Mary Winfree performed the ceremony after talking about the impact of Kiwanis. The 2021-22 officers are: President Charles Bailey, President-Elect Nancy Matthews, Secretary John Segars, Treasurer Linwood Epps, Past President Bobby Kilgo. The 2021-22 Board of Directors: Erin Farrell, Alex Gainey, Sandy Hardee, Bryan Hobbs, Bill Moore, Lisa Rock, Diane Bigelow Sigmon and David Vaughan. The Darlington Kiwanis Club sponsors a variety of projects, collecting school supplies for students, providing the Terrific Kids Program in area schools, donating to The Lord Cares, adopting Darlington High School and the Key Club, supporting the Little League teams and American Legion Post 1 team, and coordinating the Christmas Tree Lighting and Carol Lighting Service. The upcoming Pancake Supper will be from 5-8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 126 Pearl St., eat-in, drive-through, or take-out available. The Christmas Tree Lighting and Carol Lighting Service follows the Christmas Parade on Sunday, Dec. 5, on the Public Square. It typically begins at 5:30 p.m. and includes prayers, singing carols, and choirs. The Darlington Kiwanis Club meets at 1 p.m. Oct. 7 and the first and third Thursday of the month at Darlington Country Club, 125 Country Club Road, Darlington. Speaker for Oct. 7 will be Becky Hill with the Trent Hill Center for Families. To keep up with the club online, visit

Author: Stephan Drew

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