‘I’m representing regular people’

New Darlington Lawyer, Mark James, in front of his office at 54 Public Square in Darlington. PHOTO BY DAWSON JORDAN

For Darlington attorney Mark James, the key word is “approachable.”
James, who operates James Law Office LLC from 54 Public Square, the former Tuck Law Firm building, sees himself as a regular person who can relate to the problems of regular people.
“For the most part, I’m representing regular people,” says James, a native of Darlington. “One of the most common things I hear is, ‘Man, I never thought I’d be here, meeting with a lawyer and talking about potentially filing a lawsuit. This is something I never dreamed I was going to have to do.’”
James says he understands that reaction, and wants his clients to know he is there for them: He gives his clients his cellphone number. “Legal issues and the real world aren’t limited to 9 to 5. I’ve had situations where I’ve gotten a call in the middle of the night Friday, and first thing Saturday morning I’m in that person’s living room talking through options for moving forward.”
James, a graduate of the University of South Carolina and Charleston School of Law, says this is the first year he has operated solo. He previously worked for the Tuck Law Firm.
His practice concentrates on civil cases, such as car accidents, personal-injury claims and “slip-and-fall” accidents.
James says he focuses on any case “where somebody has been hurt or taken advantage of by somebody else. I take the case and try to get the best resolution possible for them.”
The new firm’s website notes that James has recovered millions of dollars for clients throughout his career. He offers free consultations. “I’m happy to meet with anybody to see if we can fix the problem.”
James says he always dreamed of having his own firm. “I like what I do. I like where I’m at,” directly across from the Darlington County Courthouse on the Public Square.
Darlington is home, James says. “I was born here, I was raised here, my kids were born here, they’re going to be raised here.” PAID ADV.

Author: Stephan Drew

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