Federal funds will give Darlington three new police vehicles

The City of Darlington will receive $50,000 to buy three new police vehicles under a federal program that seeks to boost community infrastructure for people in rural towns across South Carolina.
U.S. Department of Agriculture State Director for South Carolina Saundra Glover said that USDA is investing $73.7 million to build and improve critical community facilities in South Carolina.
Darlington will get $50,000 of that for “brand-new” vehicles, Darlington Police Chief Kelvin Washington said – two Dodge Chargers and a Dodge SUV.
“This helps out,” Washington said. “Every little bit helps. Some (of our vehicles) are high-mileage; they’re older vehicles.”
The USDA’s Glover said: “Essential community infrastructure is important for rural South Carolina. These projects will ensure that these areas will enjoy the same basic quality of life and services enjoyed by urban areas and provide much needed access for residents living in those areas.”
These funds are separate from the federal COVID-relief funds being distributed among local governments in Darlington County and across the nation, Washington said.
— Bobby Bryant

Author: Stephan Drew

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