Drug bust on Syracuse Street
One person on Syracuse Street in Darlington was arrested on Saturday evening, April 22, 2023, and charged with 6 counts of Possession With Intent to Distribute Schedule II Controlled Substance (2nd Offense) after a search warrant was executed.
The City of Darlington Police Department’s Narcotics Unit received intelligence from the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Division of possible drug activity at the Syracuse St. residence. Narcotics Officers conducted a search of the home and found 1 pistol (the suspect in question is prohibited from possessing a firearm), 294 grams (approx. 10.3 ounces) of marijuana, 356 grams (approx. 12.5 ounces) of pure crystallized THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), 4,113 Schedule II pills (all packaged for sale), and $4,500 in U.S. currency.
Officers also seized vehicles believed to have been purchased with drug money.