DDRA presents grant award to South Main Laundromat
As development dollars flow downtown with large projects such as the construction of the Darlington County Courthouse and Darlington County Historical Museum and multimillion dollar expansions of Genesis Healthcare and Georgia Pacific, everyone wants to be a part of the growth in Darlington.
South Main Street Laundromat got some of that refreshment with a brand new sleek sign to welcome customers. The business has been open for 18 years.
The Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association recognized Darlington property owner David Pugh for the investment through a DDRA Incentive Improvement Grant. He said he plans to keep the upgrades coming, working on the parking lot next.
Mayor Curtis Boyd, Executive Director Lisa Bailey, and DDRA Board members, Eugene Vaughan and Dee Dee Kehl, thanked Mr. Pugh for his continued investment in Darlington during the check presentation on Friday, Sept. 16.
“We want all our businesses, big and small, to continue to build and grow their companies in Darlington,” said Mayor Boyd.
Since the grant program’s inception in 2016, the DDRA has awarded more than $19,000 in grants to 20 businesses connected to more than $200,000 in renovation work, not counting the domino effect of neighboring property owners cleaning up and painting.
“This serves the DDRA’s mission in a tangible way that people can see,” Bailey said. “As our membership and fundraisers grow, we will continue to distribute incentives to Darlington businesses to keep paying it forward.”