DCIT students take top honors at Regional Science Fair

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Students in the engineering and agriculture mechanics classes at the Darlington County Institute of Technology (DCIT) are not only preparing for college and future careers, but they are taking a serious look at how they can impact the world. In preparation for the Sandhills Regional Science Fair, Mr. Dan Woods taught his engineering students about stable structures. Mr. Al Gray’s agriculture mechanics students explored alternative fuel sources.

The Darlington County Institute of Technology students won 1st, 2nd, and 4th place in the Sandhills Regional Science Fair held at Francis Marion University:

George Haynes won 2nd place for a part he constructed using a 3D printer.

The team of Josh Fountain, Shane Gainey and Nicholas Gibbs won 1st place by constructing a hydroelectric generator.

The team of Steven Joyner and Isaac Rowe tied for 4th place with the team of Demetrius Gilbert and Devin Patel for their respective projects on stable structures.

The Sand Hills Region IV Science Fair is a preliminary competition to determination eligibility for participation in the Intel International Science Fair program. Millions of students compete at the local level and over 1500 high school students compete at the international level. They represent nearly 70 countries, regions, and territories. There are opportunities to win over $3 million in scholarships and prizes.

Author: Jana Pye

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