County Council hears ordinances to expand Industrial park and appoint new committee members
By Stephan Drew, Editor
On Monday, April 3, 2023, the Darlington County Council met to discuss a wide range of issues, including county ordinances and the appointment of new members to several committees. Council has determined that an enlargement of the boundaries of the Darlington-Florence Industrial Park will promote economic development and provide addition employment and investment opprotunities to both counties. Ordinance 23-02, which heard its Second Reading, will amend the existing agreement so that the enlargement, which includes property leased and/or operated by Hawfinch Solar, LLC, may take place. The ordinance was approved for a Third Reading.
A lease agreement between Darlington County and Women of Purpose Ministry was discussed whereby the group would be able to lease space in the Society Hill Neighborhood Center, located at 223 Hall Street in Society Hill. The organization provides a food program, emergency assistance, youth and adult recreational and cultural activities, as well as health education to the community. The lease is for 12 months at $300 per month, and will cover 2 classrooms in the East Wing of the center. Councilmember Angie Stone Goldbold asked if the monthly payment includes utilities or other service costs. “That’s a little steep for her,” Thomas stated (referring to Brenda Goodman, Executive Director of the Ministry). It was reported that the $300 is only for the cost to lease the space required. Darlington County pays the utilities for the Center.
Resolution 753, which proclaims April 9-15 as National Public Safety Telecommunicator’s Week was read by Vice Chairman Le Flowers and approved by council. Council also approved Resolution 754, which proclaims April as Fair Housing Month.
Matt Wills of Spectrum updated council on the progress his company is making to insure complete internet coverage countywide. He reported that approximately 70% of the work has been done, with 64 out of 90 miles of cable already laid. Wills stated that Spectrum hopes to finish the job during the First Quarter of next year.
In other business, Councilmember Flowers requested that Gary Coe be appointed to the Construction Board of Appeals Committee. Councilmember Kirk Askins recommended that Dan Moses be appointed to the Hospitality Business Committee and Angie Stone Godbold recommended that Elizabeth Chaney be appointed to the Acohol and Drug Citizen Advisory Committee.
The Darlington County Council will next meet on May 1, 2023.