Church News – February 10, 2016
Please send your church news to:
The Lord Cares: please remember to help
With the temperatures dropping, please continue to assist The Lord Cares in caring for those in need in the Darlington area. T.L.C.’s food bank is located at 201 Grove Street in Darlington. They are open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Donations of non-perishable food items (especially canned meats) are needed, as are toiletries, bathroom tissue, and paper towels. A little bird told us that they need a new roof, too…so perhaps you can help? Monetary donations are always needed, and are tax deductible…so be sure to make an additional one before December 31, 2015!
Emergency Shelter at Second Baptist Church
Second Baptist Church, located at 212 W. Washington St., has graciously opened their doors for those in need of shelter from the cold and/or possible fire victims. The local office of the American Red Cross makes emergency delivery of needed items, but they still need our help. To reach the church office, call: 843-332-5001
They are in desperate need of the following items: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, personal hygiene products, cots, blankets, snacks, any types of foods. Someone will be on hand at the church to accept any donated items.
Macedonia’s 150th Anniversary
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Darlington, will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary on February 13 & 14, 2016
The Anniversary Dinner Banquet will take place Saturday, February 13 at 5 p.m. at Darlington High School Cafeteria. Rev. Dr. James Blassingame of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Sumter, will be the guest speaker. Rev. Blassingame was elected as the new president of the Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of South Carolina during its 136th annual session held on May 9 in Spartanburg.
The Anniversary Sermon will be on Sunday morning, Feb. 14 at 10 a.m. at Macedonia and our very own Rev. Dr. Cecil L. Bromell will be the speaker.
Banquet tickets are $15 adults (ages 12 and over), $10 children ages 6 – 11, and children ages 5 and under are free.
If yu have information on any previous pastors and/or if you are a descendent of any previous pastor, please contact Patsy Sawyer at 843-319-1837, email: or mail to Macedonia Life-Skills Center, P.O. Box 179, Darlington, SC 29540.
Trail Life Troop 22:06 Spaghetti Supper
At Central Baptist Church, 512 Spring St., Darlington, on Friday, February 19 from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. Dine in or carry out, $8.00 donation. Tickets available at Central Baptist Church or Darlington Fire Department. Free delivery with 10 or more plates. Garlic bread by Mamma Mia. Trail Life USA is a Christian centered outdoor adventure group for young men 5 – 18 years. For more information, call Brad Odom at 843-206-2600 or email:
Pastoral 9th Anniversary at Mt. Zion
The Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church along with the Pastor Support Committee invites you to celebrate the 9th Anniversary for Reverend Samuel Fulmore and First Lady Minister Melissa Fulmore on Sunday, February 21 at 4:00 p.m. The speaker for this glorious occasion will be Reverend Doctor James Blassingame, President of the South Carolina Baptist Educational and Missionary Convenention.
Organ Recital with Don Grice at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
The Hartsville-Coker Concert Associations fourth concert will be an organ recital with Don Grice on Monday February 22 at 7:30pm at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Hartsville, 103 Campus Drive. Don Grice has performed in Canada the United States and Great Britain and has been heard in regional and national broadcasts of CBC Radio. Dr. Grice has served churches in Georgia Arizona and North Carolina prior to moving to South Carolina and is currently organist at Central United Methodist Church in Florence SC. This recital is presented in collaboration with St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church organ restoration campaign. Admission is $25 for adults.
Macedonia seeks information on Dr. Brockenton
Deacon Patsy Y. Sawyer
is in search of relatives of
Dr. Isaac P. Brockenton, former pastor of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Brockenton served at Macedonia from 1866 –
1908. Mrs. Sawyer is
currently researching the
history of the church, and
any information on this
pastor will be most appreciated. You may contact her at the church: 843-393-6361,
or via email at:
Bible Study
Bible study at Mt.Zion Tabernacle Believers Church 426 W. Broad St. Darlington, on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. Bible study led by Rev.Larry Scipio. Contact Deacon Z.Frierson at 843-992-3158 or church 843-992-8125. Come join us.
St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church
3123 W. Palmetto St., Florence Worship Time: 11 a.m. (4th Sunday 8:30 a.m.) Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.Phone: 843-601-3672
Facebook: StCatherinesEC Vicar: The Rev. Jeffrey R. Richardson
Black Creek Baptist Church
Black Creek Baptist Church, located 139 Mont Clare Road, Dovesville, announces their hours: Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11a.m. Worship Services and 6 p.m. Evening Worship. Wednesday: 6:30 Adult Bible Study;
Youth Bible Study, Children (Children In Action)
7:30 Adult Choir Practice
Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries
Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries 426 W. Broad St. in Darlington announces their hours
1st/3rd Sunday Pastoral Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Church Services 11:00 Elder M. Frierson 2nd/4th Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 by Deacon Z. Frierson Service at 11:00 a.m. Min.Gerald Green. The community is invited to attend. Come expecting to hear the anointed Word. Contact Deacon.Z.Frierson