Central Baptist Church Youth Mission travels to Chattanooga, Tennessee

 Central Baptist Church of Darlington took 26 youths to Chattanooga for a week of fellowship, service and God’s work in that area from July 11 to July 17. Twelve teams completed projects on 17 properties, which included roofing, painting, structural repairs and many other jobs. One afternoon, they visited Rock City and Ruby Falls on Lookout Mountain.
Pictured above are (first row, L-R): Gabe Odom, Riley Coker, Lydia Norris, Morgan Anderson, Savannah Evans, Heaven Barber, Hunter Truluck and Malena Harrell. (Second row, L-R): Rileigh Lacy, Emma Kate Matthews and Tanner Berry. (Third row, L-R): Brodee Clontz, Karson Norris, Landen Seiffert, Preston Kelly and Will Johnson. (Fourth row, L-R): Landon Cooke, Tyler Berry, Connor Kelly, Luke Miller, Drew Andrews and Gates Chapman. Not pictured are: Jason Berry, Jim Watson, Jennifer Cooke and Jackie Anderson. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Author: Stephan Drew

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