Mayo High School Board of Education Scholars
MyKenna Blankenship
School: Francis Marion University
Major: Education
Wants to work in Early Childhood in either 5K or First Grade
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Be yourself. Don’t be scared for other people to see who you really are; that’s the only way you’ll enjoy your high school experience.
Favorite Memory of High School: Field Day every year. We competed against each other but we also still supported each other.
Kayla Eldridge
School: University of South Carolina-Columbia
Major: Chemical Engineering
Wants to work in manufacturing
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Don’t be afraid to be you. You will see everybody else living this life that is not them but always express yourself, love yourself, embrace yourself because you don’t want to grow up living someone else’s life.
Favorite Memory of High School: The Beta Club trip 2016. We went to the Beta Convention in Myrtle Beach.
Sarah Fender
School: Francis Marion University
Major: Visual Arts, specializing in Graphic Arts
Advice for Incoming Freshman: It is okay to get out of your comfort zone. Always remember to join lots of clubs, meet new people and try new things.
Favorite Memory of High School: The state fair trip. I always enjoyed having those moments with my friends, making memories and having fun.
Bradley Kempson Jr.
School: College of Charleston
Major: Early Childhood Education
Wants to teach Kindergarten or First Grade
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Find a group of friends you can be close to all four years. You can have a large group of finds but find two or three that you can go to everyday and talk about things you need help with.
Favorite Memory of High School: Freshman year our physical science teacher would bring in his guitar and play songs for us. That was a fun time.
Camille Knockemus
School: College of Charleston
Major: Elementary Education
Wants to teach Fourth or Fifth grade
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Don’t take things too seriously; have fun. Get involved at school.
Favorite Memory of High School: Senior Citizen Day during our fall spirit week. The seniors got to dress as senior citizens and it made for a lot of laughs.
True-Allah Liles
School: Clemson Major: undecided.
Interested in civil engineering.
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Go all out. Make new friends. Do things you wouldn’t have done in middle school. Be different. Be bold. Be loud.
Favorite Memory of High School: The Europe trip. The night before we came home, we all stayed up that entire night and they made breakfast for us. It was great. All thirty of us were in the room and we stayed up. We didn’t sleep until we got on the plane. It was a good time.
Sydney McInnis
School: Erskine College
Major: Biology
Wants to work in Sports Physical Therapy
Advice for Incoming Freshman: When you get to the age, explore as many colleges as you can. You never know what you are going to want until you step on the campus.
Favorite Memory of High School: Senior Halloween Spirit Week a bunch of my friends dressed up as the Winnie the Pooh characters. That was real fun, just seeing how creative every one was.
Cooper Myers
School: Clemson
Major: Engineering
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Start with your grades high. If you slack off in the beginning it is harder to pull it up.
Favorite Memory of High School: On the Europe trip we went to this family restaurant in Italy and they taught us how to make pasta. I love pasta so that was a great experience. It was the best pasta I’ve ever had.
Deionveon Rivers
School: Furmin University
Major: Computer Science
Interested in becoming a game programmer
Advice for Incoming Freshman: Don’t procrastinate. Use your free time wisely because you’ll probably end up stressing yourself out later.
Favorite Memory of High School: The senior trip to Universal Studios, hanging out with the class one last time.