Where is this in Darlington County?

Where is it in Darlington County

Last week’s photo was of the gorgeous home of Linda and Shaw Dargan on the corner of Cashua St. and Spring Street. Many people identified it correctly, including Cecil Ward; Greta Capers; John Ramsay, who said Commodore McCandlish lived there for many years; local builder Bill Segars, who said it is a Queen Ann style from probably the late 1800’s to early 1900’s- he applauds the owners for maintaining it so nicely; and Nancy James Webert.

Mrs. Webert shared some insight on the Park Terrace Hotel, too, that was featured previously.

“I was reading about the farm team that came to Darlington. I’m not sure how many years they came, but the spring of 1951, when I was a senior at St. John’s High School, I know they were here and they all came to the Senior Play. They were the Red Roses, and they were a farm team for the Philadelphia Phillies. We 17-18 year old girls were particularly excited to have all these exotic (as in not native) young men in town! (not sure if we ever got a farm team from the Boston Red Sox.) And they must have stayed at the Park Terrace Hotel.

I went to kindergarten at the McFall Hotel from 1937-1939, there being no public kindergarten in South Carolina for many, many years.Mr. McFall and his wife, Lillian Stem McFall (MIss Lil) lived in an roomy apartment on the first floor of the hotel with their daughter, Illy. (“Illy” was probably short for” Lillian”.) The kindergarten was in the former dining room on the first floor. There was a ballroom on the second floor, which was not in use. Illy’s aunt, Pee Wee Bonoitt, played the piano for her and generally helped with the kindergarten. (I never knew Pee Wee’s real first name.) I remember when some French tobacco men were in residence there for a while, and they came and taught us some very rudimentary and fractured, by us, French words.

My brother, Bump James, went to his senior Junior Senior dance at the same unused dining room in 1946.”
Can you guess the location of this week’s photo? Please send your guesses to: editor@newsandpress.net or call 393-3811. Good luck!

Author: Duane Childers

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